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Monday, June 6, 2011


They say a change is as good as a holiday.
They say.
They should be shot for saying that.
But change, nonetheless, can offer a pleasant alternative in the humdrum of our normal lives.

So, onwards to change!
In that spirit I chose to grow my hair again after nearly a decade of pixie and shaved styles. And what a change it has been.

No longer can I blame the bones of dust-bunnies on my furry companions. Oh no, there's no mistaking 'mine' and 'theirs' (or is it thairs) anymore. They congregate in corners, in the wash-basin and shower-drain, gathering dust, wool, lint, and other unmentionables. If they are left alone long enough, I'm afraid they might shamble out on their own one midnight, mumbling something about world domination.

And nobody ever mentioned the danger to the bhairer (bearer)! Previously I used to sashay through howling south-easters, not a care in the world. Now a simple trip outside results in me looking like an extra from a horror movie, or like a dandelion that has been struck by lightning. There has yet been no hairclip invented by mankind that can keep these little rebels under control.

Do you know these images we have, where models whip off their motorcycle helmets, toss their locks around and they fall into perfect place. Misleading advertising!!!! I too have a definitely look after biking to work, but unfortunately it's the close-encounters-with-a-cow-tongue rather than just-stepped-off-a-catwalk look. Yowling is involved, but its mine as I cower in front of a mirror trying to regain some semblance of normalcy.

Ah yes, and the kitties enjoy it too. Fatcat has realized that by hopping on to the pillow and standing on mom's hair results in a much quicker launch from 'dead asleep' to 'filling cat's foodbowl'. Damn pesky pieces of lifeless matter.....why oh why do they need to be connected to very sensitive nerve endings on the scalp???

But hey, don't get me wrong, it has its uses.
Worn long enough, it can become a handy self-deployed neck-warmer.
What? Just wear a scarf? Well... that'd just be way to easy.
And not as easy to change!

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