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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Yes people, the away-stay saga continues... This time it takes place in a quaint B&B in a relatively quiet suburb of PE. I use the term 'relatively quiet' quite loosely, as nowhere is vuvuzela proof at this stage. Except maybe the inside of an igloo in the North Pole. Then again, temperature wise that is exactly what PE feels like - rather chilly. Yes, it's that season when we get really close to our loved ones, and not only for purely emotional reasons. Cups of coffee and tea are made as astonishing rates; again not for drinking purposes, but just to clasp your frozen fingers around in an attempt to keep some blood flowing. So there I was, huddled under the warm blankets in my B&B room when out of the blue *plop*! Something plopped onto my head. It was around o'darn AM, when dreams blur into reality and strange things are known to happen. My confused mind constructed this bizarre scenario where one of the birds in the nearby cages outside had somehow made it's way into my room - probably to find a warm place to roost - and had oh-so-graciously just made me a very lucky person. That thought wormed it's way from my dream centre to conscious thought, shortcutting past all rationality and shot me straight outta bed, lights blazing and desperately looking for this bird prezzie. Alas, my overactive imagination had got it wrong. Yes, something had indeed dropped onto my head, and I could see the next culprits lining up on the ceiling, getting their targetting systems ready for the next attack. Water! It was pouring with rain outside, and apparently inside as well. My restful night turned into a luxury version of chinese water torture as I had to find a position to sleep in where the drops would not get me. Moving the queen size bed was out of the question, so armed with a towel to soak up the dive-bombers I tried to get some more z's. Admittedly, I have known better nights Sunrise brought a continuation of the inside showers, and I set off to inform the owner of this mild catastrophe. She admitted that apparently it was the fault of the swimming pool. Eh? Yes, indeedy. The swimming pool is built over the rooms-for-rent, and with the heavy downpours we had the pool filled up too rapidly and leaked out somewhere into the roof, along some cracks to filter through my ceiling and drop onto my snug little cocoon. Oi.... Yesterday we had some more rain, and now the intrepid little water warriors had bivouacced in a new spot; this time right over the window sill. Problematic for the clothes I'm trying to dry, but at least not on my bed. Thank goodness for small miracles!

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