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Friday, February 12, 2010

One of those days

Few words in the English language are imbued with that particular brand of terror and dread as "general failure reading boot drive".
Yep, it's going to be one of those days then.

It started all innocently, birds chirping while the sun played hide and seek among the scattered clouds overhead. I took the dog for an early-morning walk while the air was still cool and the day filled with potential for all things bright and beautiful.

But, like the start to a horror movie... all was not as it seemed.
Chirping birdsong was to be replaced by the straining groans of a tin-can desperately trying to find some mysterious code that would turn 1's and 0's into intelligent pictures.
But, trying to stay optimistic I shut the machine down, sent out a message requesting help, and sat down in front of my other pc to start writing a report on work that's been done.
Step 1 - find template for report
Step 2 - look for template in other than usual network folders where the only thing I can find is its glaring absence
Step 3 - call office support staff to inquire about missing file
Step 4 - Try to smile through clenched teeth as none of support personnel provide, well, support. The template document is.... unavailable.

While rolling my eyes to the heavens above, I put the phone down and stare morosely at my blank pc screen, wondering if anyone has ever succeeded in building a time machine.
No, I don't have any aspirations to go back and change history by eliminating a soon-to-be tyrant or saving the life of a might-be genius - I have no such grandiose plans for bettering humanity.
Instead I simply want to go back to this morning, place two industrial-strength aspirins next to my bedside table with a friendly note that says :

"Drink this, today is going to be a pain in the...."

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